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Among the four treasures of the study, paper came out later than pen, ink, and inkstone. Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, it is recognized that Cai Lun, an eunuch in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, was the inventor of papermaking.

According to Fan Ye's "Book of the Later Han Dynasty": "Cai Lun, styled Jingzhong, a native of Guiyang. ... Since ancient times, many books have been compiled with bamboo slips, and those who use silk and silk are called 'paper'. It's not convenient for people. Lun is an idea, using tree skin, hemp head, cloth, and fishing net as paper. In the first year of Yuanxing, it was recorded. The emperor was good at his ability, and naturally he could not use it, so the world is called Caihou. Paper." This is the earliest record of papermaking in historical documents. From the records, we can see that the raw materials used in Cai Lun's papermaking are low-cost materials such as bark, hemp, old cloth, and fishing nets. However, there are some examples of the use of paper before Cai Lun is recorded in some documents. For example, in Ban Gu's "Han Shu Biography of Foreign Relatives Xiaocheng Empress Zhao", the case of wrapping medicine with paper in the 2nd century BC is recorded, as well as the "Three Fu Old Stories" written by Zhang Shu in the Qing Dynasty. In particular, the Western Han paper unearthed since this century at Fangmatan in Tianshui, Gansu, the Fengsui Site in Maquanwan in Dunhuang, and the Hanxuanquan Post Site in Tianshuijing in Dunhuang proves that the Western Han Dynasty appeared long before Cai Lun invented papermaking. the use of paper. This is about 170 years ahead of Cai Lun's invention of papermaking.

We can also see from the above that paper was invented as early as the Western Han Dynasty, but the quality of the paper at that time was poor; On the basis of this papermaking technique, Cai Lun improved the raw materials and processes, and produced high-quality paper. In particular, Cai Lun expanded the raw materials for papermaking, and provided a variety of plant fibers for papermaking in the future. condition.

Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

Paper is widely spread and widely used by people. The papermaking technology has been further improved, and the papermaking area has gradually spread from the Luoyang area of Henan to Yue, Shu, Shao, Yang and Anhui, Jiangxi and other places before the Jin Dynasty. The output and quality are increasing day by day. The raw materials for papermaking are also diversified, and there are many types of paper. Such as bamboo curtain paper, there are obvious lines on the paper surface, and the paper is tight, thin and evenly thin. Yanxi has rattan paper made of rattan skin, which is even and smooth, white as jade, and does not leave ink. Dongyang has fish roe paper, also known as fish paper, which is soft and smooth. Jiangnan made paper with straw and wheat straw fibers, which was yellow in color, rough in texture and difficult to write. In the north, mulberry bark fiber is used to make paper. It has excellent texture, white color, light and soft, strong tensile force, and the paper is torn like cotton, so it is called cotton paper. Cai Lun made a wide range of raw materials for papermaking. The paper made from rotten fishing nets was called net paper, and the paper made from rags was called cloth paper. Because the rags of fishing nets were classified as hemp fibers at that time, they were collectively called hemp paper.

In order to prolong the life of paper, a new technology of dyeing paper has been invented in Jin Dynasty, that is, the juice is extracted from yellow tillers, and the paper is soaked and dyed. The impregnated paper is called dyed paper, which is natural yellow, so it is also called jute paper. Yellow paper has the function of killing insects and moths.

By the Jin Dynasty (4th century), paper had finally replaced silk slips as the main writing material. Cai Lun played a great role in promoting the production of hemp paper and vellum paper. Although he was not the inventor of papermaking, his historical status as a technological innovator and organizational promoter should be affirmed.

ancient paper

In the 8th century AD, paper was widely used in our country. In the following centuries, our country exported paper to various parts of Asia, and strictly kept the secret of papermaking. In 751 AD, the Tang Dynasty and the Arab Empire clashed, and the Arabs captured several Chinese paper craftsmen. It didn't take long for the paper industry to sprout up in Samarkand and Baghdad. In this way, papermaking technology gradually spread all over the world, where paper was widely used, and then spread to North America and Europe through the Arab countries. According to historical records, the first paper mill was established in Europe more than 1,000 years after Cai Lun invented paper. Although the modern paper industry has been developed, its basic principle is still the same as Cai Lun's papermaking method. Seventy-eight tenths of the raw materials for papermaking have been replaced by wood pulp, but the raw materials such as rags, bark, hemp heads, and waste fish nets used by Cai Lun are still used to make high-grade printing paper, cigarette paper, rice paper and typing wax paper.

Sui and Tang Dynasties

Statue of Cai Lun

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the famous rice paper was born. There is a legend in Xuanzhou, Anhui, the main producing area of rice paper: Cai Lun's apprentice Kong Dan, who made paper in southern Anhui, has always wanted to make a particularly ideal white paper to use for master's portraits and manuals. But after many trials, it didn't work out. Once, he happened to see some sandalwood trees lying down beside the mountain stream in the mountains. They were rotten and whitened by water erosion over time. Later, he made paper from this bark, and finally succeeded. From this, it can be concluded that the use of bark to make rice paper was more popular in the Tang Dynasty.

In the Tang Dynasty, on the basis of the previous generation of dyed yellow paper, wax was evenly applied to the paper, and after calendering, the paper had the advantages of luster, lustrous and beautiful, and it was called hard yellow paper. There is also a kind of hard white paper. Wax is applied to the front and back sides of the base paper, and then rolled and rubbed with pebbles or curved stones to make the paper bright, lubricated, dense, and the fibers are uniform and fine. It is slightly thicker than hard yellow paper. Hard white paper. In addition, politicians add mineral powder and waxed wax paper; on the basis of powder wax paper and colored paper, paper products with gold, silver foil or powder brilliance are processed, called golden flower paper, silver flower paper Or honeysuckle paper, also known as cold gold paper or sprinkled gold and silver paper; there is also calender paper with extremely elegant colors and patterns. Various patterns, also known as flower curtain paper or patterned paper, were popular among literati and scholars at that time, and the water pattern paper fish roe paper produced in Sichuan at that time. In addition, there are also simple reprocessed papers, the famous ones are Xue Taojian, Xie Gong Shisejian and other dyed papers, Jinsushanjing paper, and various printed papers, Songhua paper, variegated quicksand paper, Caixia paper Gold powder dragon pattern paper, etc.

At the same time, due to the invention of the engraving brush technique, the development of the paper industry was greatly stimulated, the papermaking area was further expanded, and famous papers came out one after another, such as yellow and white hemp paper in Yizhou, rattan paper in Hangzhou, Wuzhou, Quzhou, Yuezhou, and Large die paper, thin white paper from Puzhou, rice paper from Xuanzhou, hard yellow paper, bamboo paper from Shaozhou, and slippery paper from Linchuan. In the Tang Dynasty, bast fibers such as Ruixiang skin, stack incense skin, mulberry skin, rattan skin, wood hibiscus skin, and green sandalwood skin were used as raw materials for papermaking. The paper is flexible and thin, and the fibers are evenly interlaced.

Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty

The paper industry of the Five Dynasties continued to develop, and the Chengxintang paper made in Shezhou was recognized as the best paper until the Northern Song Dynasty. Chu". This kind of paper can be 50 feet long, and it is as thin as it is from the beginning to the end. The Song Dynasty inherited the papermaking tradition of the Tang and Five Dynasties, and many papers of different textures appeared. It is made in Jiangnan, also known as Jiangdong paper. The reuse of paper began in the Southern Song Dynasty. The New Testament was recreated with waste paper as raw material. It is called revival paper or cooked revival paper.

Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties

In the Yuan Dynasty, the paper industry withered, and only in the south of the Yangtze River it still barely maintained its former scene.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the paper industry flourished and innovated again. All kinds of paper are popular again. In terms of texture, white paper ground and elegant colored paper ground are respected. The color is mainly bright and quiet, such as the powder wax paper of the Kangxi and Qianlong periods, the printing and dyeing paper, etc. The production of paper, By the Qing Dynasty, it had reached an unparalleled level. The technology of papermaking in Qing Dynasty was very mature.

In the Ming Dynasty, the paper industry flourished again, and the main famous products were rice paper, bamboo paper, Xuande paper, and Songjiang tanjian.

rice paper

In the Qing Dynasty, the manufacturing process of rice paper was further improved, and it became a household name paper. Papermaking in various places mostly uses local materials, uses various raw materials, and produces various types of paper. In terms of paper processing technology, such as sizing, adding alum, dyeing, waxing, calendering, gold sprinkling, printing and other processes, there are further improvements. development and innovation. All kinds of paper are popular again, and white paper and elegant colored paper are respected in terms of texture, and the color is mainly bright and quiet. Kangxi and Qianlong period pastel paper, such as gold and silver pattern powder paper, gold Yunlong Kao wax paper, multi-colored calendered wax paper, printed drawing dyed flower paper, pastel and wax calender on three-color paper, and then calendered paper. Various patterns are drawn with mud gold or mud silver. The production of paper in the Qing Dynasty has reached an exquisite level.

In addition, since the Jin Dynasty, the court of our country has received tribute paper from neighboring countries. For example, the side paper (or moss paper) for tribute from Nanyue is made of seaweed, which is sweet, warm, and non-toxic. made of Vietnamese paper. The Goryeo paper and Jilin paper that Korea paid tribute to were loved by the rulers of all dynasties. In the Qing Dynasty, there were North Korean Lijin paper, Jinling paper, Jinghua paper, Zhuqing paper, Vietnamese moss paper, Japanese snow paper, Fengshu paper, Western gold edge paper, mica paper, slippery paper, various colors. Note paper, back to all kinds of colored paper, etc.

A general term for paper, cardboard and processed paper. It is a sheet fiber product for writing, recording, printing, painting or packaging and other purposes. It is made from pulp suspended in water, deposited on the forming wire of the paper machine into an intricately interwoven fiber layer, and then pressed and dried.

The technology of making paper with stone is based on the principle of grinding the main component of stone "calcium carbonate" into ultra-fine particles and blowing it into paper. This technology is nothing new, but in the context of the global call for energy conservation and emission reduction, this "fashionable" concept of environmental protection has been re-emphasized by people.

The new stone paper technology is based on calcium carbonate, the most abundant mineral resource in the earth's crust, as the main raw material, with polymer materials and various inorganic substances as auxiliary raw materials, using the principle of polymer interface chemistry and filling modification technology, and processed by special processes. It is a new type of papermaking technology with the characteristics of modern technology. Stone paper technology is a leading new technology in the world. The birth of this technology not only solves the environmental harm caused by traditional papermaking pollution, but also solves the white pollution caused by the use of a large number of plastic packaging materials and the waste of a large amount of oil resources.